Friday, July 16, 2010

Administrator's Note: Picking on Glenn Beck

Although no one has mentioned it to me, the preponderance of Glenn Beck on this blog may be of some inquiry. I thought it would be helpful to explain why the Fox News celebrity appears on here so often.

Glenn Beck has set himself up as a sort of teacher and historian for America. Recently, however, he has also set himself up as a theologian and even a prophet. Were Beck a nobody, even a lowly radio host, I would not see it appropriate to detail his every theological transgression. Beck is not, however, a nobody. He is listened to by thousands upon thousands of Americans, many of whom claim to be Christian. If I subscribed to the same level of alarmism and fear-mongering as Beck, I would here say something about how dangerous he is. I think it's better to expose his ridiculousness to people who would otherwise not hear him and be aware of the kind of horrible theology that is being pumped into the minds of Beck's audience, as they are everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. Colbert FTW!!
